Hi and welcome!

My name is Juliette Dyke and this is the home of my newsletter Your Next Chapter.

I’m a qualified Career Coach based in Brighton, mum of one (with no.2 on the way) and I love helping women find meaningful work and achieve better work life balance. This newsletter explores career change, personal development, unblocking creativity and juggling motherhood alongside it all.

Why sign up?

Currently you can subscribe for free and receive regular career coaching tips, self-development exercises, and some personal essays as well.

Some popular articles include:

The surprising thing that mums want most from their careers

My top tip for handling work stress

What are the most common career issues that people come to me for help with?

My favourite wellbeing podcasts

My story

I know how important it is to you to find a career you love, because I’ve been there too.  I’ve experienced the daily grind of dragging myself to a job where I was always a square peg in a round hole. I longed to feel more fulfilled, valued and authentic, but instead just felt unhappy, exhausted and lost. 

Back in 2014, I was working in advertising in London. I was caught up in the rat race and feeling increasingly unhappy with my long commute and stressful lifestyle.

Then my partner and I decided that we wanted to start a family.

I had a life-plan mapped out in my mind: we’d have a baby, I’d use my ‘spare time’ on maternity leave to re-evaluate what I really wanted to do career-wise then I’d start new role/career/business.

With my new career launched, we’d move to the coast and live happily ever after.

Except that wasn’t how it panned out.

We did move to the coast (Brighton) - but it was much earlier than expected, and resulted in a four-hour round trip commute for me.

And it took us over five years to have our daughter via IVF, with some painful losses along the way.

However, during this time, I hired an amazing career coach who helped me to re-build my confidence, get clear on what I really wanted, and gave me the tools to achieve my goals.

I eventually went part time, re-trained as a coach and started my business on the side. And soon, I was focusing full-time on the business.

What I learned, from this career transition and series of life changes is this:

  1. There is never a ‘right time’ to make the changes you want to see in your life. You just have to start where you are.

  2. Finding work you love will carry you through even the darkest times of your life.

  3. Be determined and adaptable. The journey may be long and winding, but it is completely worth it.

  4. Don’t underestimate what you’re capable of.

These days I get to work with amazing, purpose driven women, helping them create a life and career that gives them a sense of purpose, happiness and balance.

Now what about you?

Are you ready to make a change? To stop wasting your one precious life, and finally take action? I love this quote from Pablo Picasso:

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose is to give it away.”

Let’s find that gift together, and this newsletter can help you do it.

I am always interested in hearing from you, so don’t hesitate to drop me an email or a comment if there’s a topic or a question that you’d like me to cover.

Thanks and speak soon,

Juliette xx

Follow my website here to learn more about my career coaching services

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Subscribe to Your next chapter by Juliette Dyke

I'm a Brighton based career coach, mum of one (with no. 2 on the way) and love helping women find meaningful work. I write about career change, personal development, unblocking creativity and juggling motherhood alongside it all.


I'm a Brighton based career coach, mum of one (with no. 2 on the way) and love helping women find meaningful work. I write about career change, personal development, unblocking creativity and juggling motherhood alongside it all.